With so many sectors experiencing a staffing crisis and difficulties in filling vacancies, it might seem like this is the perfect time to land a new position – it’s a candidate’s market. But the fact that there are many jobs out there doesn’t automatically make it easier to find the right one for you!
If anything, it becomes even more important to be able to navigate the crowded field of unsuitable roles. A professional recruiter can help you avoid the frustration of time wasted by pinpointing only the best matches for your qualifications, experience, and ambitions.
Here are 5 reasons why you should look to a recruiter for your next job …
They have close relationships with the companies that are hiring
Businesses trust recruiters (like Vidu!) to find them appropriate talent so they’ll often work in partnership when they have a position available to make the process more efficient. As a result, recruiters become industry insiders with in-depth knowledge of specific sectors and in turn, more access to opportunities than any job hunter could possibly have.
They can advocate for you so you’re not just a faceless applicant
Companies are likely to receive hundreds of applications as soon as a role opens up, so you want yours to stand out. A recruitment specialist won’t just forward your CV, they can use their personal connection to highlight the attributes which make you most suitable, including soft skills which can be harder to quantify in a written application. These are the type of skills you are also able to showcase with your introductory Vidu video profile too!
They have an insight into what you’re likely to be asked in an interview
The recruiter/potential employer relationship allows you to gain a valuable heads-up about what exactly they’re looking for. Recruiters don’t just know the job requirements for a position, they have an understanding of the culture of a company so you’ll be fully prepared to impress and can stress the attributes you know they value most.
They can share feedback so you can fill in any skills gaps
Having a recruiter to guide you through the job search process is like an author having an editor – they can give you honest feedback and spot any issues with your application before it gets in front of an employer. They’ll also advise you on how best to seal any gaps and tailor your talents to fit the role you want.
They can help you negotiate your new salary
Money can be a difficult topic of conversation with a potential employer, either at interview stage or once an offer’s been made. Recruiters can negotiate on your behalf to eliminate any awkwardness. They’ll also have up-to-date information on sector salaries and benefits so you can be sure you’re securing the best package.
Vidu works in close partnership with our partners and we guide our candidates through every stage of their job search process.
Start your search today by creating a free pre-interview video profile on Vidu and make the right connections.
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