When you’re looking for a job or a career move, the first step should always be to create the best possible CV to make yourself a stand-out candidate for the position. CVs are the first thing a hiring manager will see so if yours fails to get their attention, your chance of landing the job will have stalled at the start line.

Industry research suggests that when hiring, people spend an average of just 6 to 8 seconds looking at a CV before they decide whether you’re suitable for their vacancy or not. That might be just enough to get across your top-line qualifications and experience, but not much else.

The right pre-interview video CV won’t just buy you more time, it will give you an opportunity to show more of your personality as well as your skills; and that combination is more likely to sell you to a potential employer. And, unlike an interview, you can practice, practice, practice and edit out anything you didn’t want to say!

Vidu’s pre-interview video CVs aren’t there to replace a full CV, but a short clip will introduce you face-to-face and lay out your qualifications and fit for the job – think of it as a video version of the bio section in your CV.

Even though we’ve all got more used to seeing ourselves on screen in Zoom and Teams meetings, the idea of creating a pre-interview video CV can still feel like a step into the unknown, so here are a few simple tips for recording a strong Vidu introductory video…

Keep it brief
Pre-interview Video CVs should be somewhere between 30 seconds and two minutes long – aim for a snappy helpful intro not a rambling monologue.

Be prepared
Write yourself a short script – this will help you stick to your timing and not go off track – but try to keep it in your head when you record rather than reading from notes.

What to say
All you need to do is say who you are and add some stand-out detail about relevant experience and qualifications, plus how your career objectives relate to the position.

Let your personality come through
As well as letting potential employers know you’re suitably qualified, a pre-interview video CV helps them connect with you and hopefully want to find out more about you – be confident and enthusiastic without going over the top, you’re not auditioning for the West End.

Consider what to wear
Just because you’re not in a formal interview situation, don’t be tempted to dress too casually – no WFH slouchy sweats. Keeping it professional doesn’t just look smart, it conveys respect too.

How to film it
Make sure the lighting is good and the background is neutral, free from outside noise like children shouting or dogs barking, and uncluttered. Potential employers don’t want to see a pile of breakfast dishes or what’s hanging in your wardrobe.

Tick these off and all you need to do is create your Vidu Video profile, upload your video, link your social media accounts, and start your job hunting.

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