It’s the big moment that all your job searching and diligent application filling has led up to… the interview!

A carefully crafted CV can open the door for you, but the interview stage will almost certainly make or break your chances so it’s important to prepare in advance.

Here are 5 of the most common interview questions and how to prepare for them …

Tell me about yourself
The odds of hearing this classic question are high because interviewers tend to rely on it as the quickest way to build up a snapshot of a candidate. Ideally, you need to find the balance between being prepared so you don’t freeze or ramble and sounding over-rehearsed. Focus on your job skills and achievements, and how they relate to the position, then save time for soft skills so an employer can appreciate the kind of person you are and see how you’re a good fit for the business.

Why do you want to work for us?
This is the moment to stress that you don’t just want any job, you want their job – make sure you know exactly what the vacant role entails then match your experience and aspirations to those requirements. Look at the company’s culture too, its goals, ethos and reputation as an employer, so you can talk about what you admire and what attracts you. A LinkedIn search might reveal some ‘latest news’ or company update which could be referenced and neatly aligned to your skill set.

Why are you looking for a new position?
This question is designed to test your attitude as much as your ambition, so be careful not to criticise your previous employer. Nobody wants to hire a bitter complainer! Stay positive and emphasise your keenness for a new career challenge, personal development, and a fresh environment. Let them know it’s something you’ve thought thoroughly about, so they don’t see you as disloyal or someone who moves on quickly.

What is your greatest strength and weakness?
Don’t try too hard to say what you think they want to hear. Avoid the obvious ‘I’m a great team player’ ‘I’m very hard-working’ and choose a strength that most fits the job you’re applying for. Try to give real-life examples of how this has been beneficial. When it comes to weakness, be honest and think about three areas where you’re not so strong then choose the one that’s least likely to negatively affect your ability to do the job and even explain how you’re improving it.

Have you got any questions for us?
This is the final hurdle – don’t trip up! Generic questions will avoid an awkward silence, but more homework is really needed. Learn about the company’s latest projects, recent awards, culture, and history, and then you can ask specifically about their plans. It’s also a good idea to ask more about training and development opportunities because this suggests a willingness to grow with your (hopefully) new employer.

Now you’re all prepped, head to Vidu to find your new job…

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