As 2022 comes to a close, what better time to discuss recruitment trends that are expected to prevail in 2023 than now? It’s been an interesting (to say the least) time in the recruitment industry over the past 2 years from covid to economic uncertainties… so what does the next year have in store for us?

Below are 5 trends that have been forecast as recruitment trends in 2023:

1. More candidate-centric
In the new year, we can expect to see the recruitment sector steer towards being more candidate-centric – but what exactly does that mean?

The pandemic massively shifted everyone’s lives and created a time when people could really sit and think about their priorities, whether that was family life or simply how much time was spent commuting, the time at home allowed for new focuses, and with that comes new goals.

With this in mind, employers will really need to examine the benefits and lifestyle that they can provide for their employees to make it an attractive and desirable environment to work in. The workforce is looking for positive experiences and maximum benefits.

2. Hybrid/remote working
The new hybrid and remote style of working has been on the up since 2020 and it doesn’t look like much is predicted to change in 2023!

As time has passed and businesses have come to realise that success is still very much possible without an office, the choice of hybrid and remote work is still being offered as an employee choice and is expected to remain an important criterion that candidates will be looking for in 2023.

3. Enhanced recruitment tech/automation
As we continue to transition into a more tech-focused and digital world, 2023 will be a year where recruiters can expect to see more integration of tech and automation into the sector.

One tech element that we are already seeing dominate the recruitment space is video. From pre-interview videos to virtual interviews – this is set to continue as recruiters are able to cut down time spent per interview and means candidates can save time on commuting to interview locations – win-win!

4. Employer branding
With the Great Resignation still very much at the forefront of employers’ minds, 2023 will be the year to really excel in employer branding. Again, this might not be a term that many of us are familiar with but it is essentially the work you put in to showcase your company as a desirable place to work in order to attract top talent for your business!

In 2020, 86% of HR managers realised that recruitment is becoming very similar to marketing, and this is a realisation that will continue to strengthen in 2023! As previously mentioned, candidates are looking for positive experiences and maximum benefits so it is imperative that you consider how your business is presented online and how you can attract the best employees for you.

5. Social recruitment
Finally, a trend that relates to the previous point of employer branding – social media platforms are becoming increasingly popular when it comes to finding and attracting talent for your business.

A business LinkedIn profile is encouraged at the minimum but if other social media platforms are a good fit for your business, it might be worth considering how you can use those in your HR strategy! It’s a digital world and you never know who might be out there looking for a job…

Improve how you hire in 2023! For a streamlined and innovative recruitment platform that is guaranteed to save you time when hiring, check out Vidu.

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